Service Writer/Advisor Online Course
Service Writer/Advisor Online Course
Cost: $150. Course Description: The course covers 43 key competency areas and provides front-line people with the knowledge required to meet and exceed customer and dealership expectations on a day-to-day basis. Content offers the best and brightest ideas from RV industry service experts with instruction on:
  1. Building trust and rapport
  2. Administrating and operating effectively
  3. Generating additional services and revenue
  4. Improving customer satisfaction and community relations
  5. Organizing and managing appointments and workflow
  6. Coordinating with technicians and other departments
Multiple sections on customer service reinforce and drive-home one of the top skillsets required of top performing fixed operations personnel. Fully interactive and easy to navigate, the nine course sections offers audio voice over and numerous progress checks. It concludes with a timed, comprehensive final assessment. A more complete course description and FAQ is here: Course Information.

How long do I have to complete the course: You may enroll anytime. The current course term is Dec 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025.

If I complete the course, will I be a certified Service Writer/Advisor? This course helps experienced fixed operations personnel prepare for service writer/advisor certification. Certification candidates must have at least 1 year of experience as a service writer/advisor (or closely related experience) and submit a certification application form with the $199 fee. Complete details and to apply for certification go here: Certification Information.

Can I take this course if I’m already a certified Service Writer/Advisor? Yes, you may use this course once for CEU purposes. You will earn 5 CEUs toward recertification when you complete the course and provide the certificate of completion with your recertification application. A training log to record all of your CEUs is available here: Recertification Information.

CANCELLATIONS / REFUNDS / TRANSFERS / EXTENSIONS: This course is non-transferable. Refunds are only provided if the registrant submits a request in writing within 14 days of registration and proof of no access to the Learning Management System (LMS) has been confirmed. A $50 administrative fee will be applied. Course extensions are not available. You have until December 31, 2025 to complete the course and print a certificate of completion. Policies and fees are subject to change without notice.

Ready to enroll yourself in the course? Click Add to Your Cart (below).

Ready to enroll someone else in the course? Email or call (703) 591-7130, ext. 107.

The price listed below does NOT include certification.